Megan Jankord, MA, LMFT offers Premarital/Pre-Commitment sessions using an inventory called Prepare. Prepare is a customized couple assessment completed online that identifies a couple’s strengths and growth areas.
Prepare/Enrich helps couples
Develop a more balanced relationship
Explore family of origin issues
Establish personal, couple and family goals
Understand and appreciate personality differences
Explore strength and growth areas
Strengthen communication skills
Identify and manage major stressors
Resolve conflict using the Ten Step Model
For more information, visit the Prepare/Enrich website.
• Prepare Inventory (online assessment): $35 per couple
• Approximately 8 hours of Premarital Counseling (Four 1 ½ - 2 hour sessions): $675
If you desire additional therapy sessions, these can be billed through your insurance or paid at a rate of $120 per hour.
Megan Jankord - MA, LMFT
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Contact Megan: 952-224-0399 ext 114